Nicholas Tse Investigated for Assault

July 17th, 2002: Already charged with conspiracy to commit perversion of public justice
in Hong Kong, Nicolas Tse Ting-Feng's legal problems were compounded this past weekend as a reporter from the HK magazine "Sudden Weekly" has accused Tse of assaulting him outside of a Taiwanese restaurant.

The allegation stems from an incident that
occurred on the night of Saturday, July 13th.
Following a music awards ceremony in Taipei,
Tse and friend Eason Chan Yik-Shun arranged
to meet for a late dinner at a local restaurant.
At around 11 pm, Tse arrived and was met by
"Sudden Weekly" reporter Ng Sung-Gei. The
account of what happened next, differs
depending upon who you ask.

According to Tse, Ng approached him and began
taking pictures once he arrived at the restaurant.
As Ng was crowding him, Tse says he asked Ng if
he "took enough pictures yet" before pushing Ng once on the shoulder in order to gain
access to the restaurant. Tse contends that Ng then started to back up before falling to the ground on his own momentum. In sharp contrast, Ng claims that Tse grabbed him by the neck and pushed him to the ground. Tse then punched Ng several times before swearing at Ng and telling him not to call the police. In their investigation of the incident, Taiwanese authorities have taken statements from Tse, Ng and witnesses. According to Taiwanese legal experts,the

                        investigation may take up to three months to complete. At 1 am on Sunday, July 14th -- two hours
                        after the incident occurred -- Tse held a hastily-called news conference inside the restaurant
                        where the alleged assault took place. Insisting that he did not assault the reporter, Tse declared:
                        "I feel like I'm being victimized here. I clearly did not hit anyone but still I'm being accused of it. If I
                        was in a fight, how come I don't have a scratch on me? Let's get to the bottom of it: Someone saying
                        'I got hit by TseTing-Feng' sounds much more newsworthy than 'I fell'.

                        for more information please go to