Music has always been Nicholas Tse's life most important thing. His teenage dream
  was to be a successful singer and actor. Now, this dream of his finally became a reality.
   His aim now is to give a dramatic positive effect to the musical world, creating a new
  generation of music.

my attitude    horizons    wordless expressions    applause                                                                                 single

 cantonese                 cantonese            december 1997                           december1998
 EEG [HK]                   EEG [HK]              cantonese                                             cantonese
                                                                     EEG [HK]                                               EEG [HK]

believe     greatful for    most wanted    understand    viva
                 your love '99

 april 1999        september 1999        december 1999        september 2000        november 2000  cantonese       mandarin                    cantonese                  mandarin                cantonese, english  EEG [HK]         EEG [HK]                    EEG [HK]                    sony music [TW]           EEG [HK]

              zero distance   twenty     senses    the prophecy    jade butterfly

                       may 2000                       august 2000      march 2001      october 2001               may 2001
                       cantonese                     english                cantonese          mandarin                    cantonese
                       EEG [HK]                       EEG [HK]            EEG [HK]            sony music [TW]       EEG [HK]

                                           for more information please go to