Cover for Issue #2 of "Blessed Love"

General Synopsis:

It is a comical story of conventional groups of people colliding in unlikely state of affairs that result in a tragic finale. Although the story embodies comical aspects it is also an intricate, human, philosophical, and mature story of human relationships that mix harsh reality with the tantalizing world of comical fantasy and it is intended towards a more mature audience (adult romance). When “Adult romance” is mentioned, doesn’t mean nudity or sex, but it means the story is dealing with more mature themes such as relationships and social issues. There are no superheroes or evil villains instead the story is developed around 2 central characters, the heart of the story comes from the heart of the characters. Each character is far from perfect has stupid habits or major character flaws and hopes and dreams of their own and have reasons for what they do, which allows the reader to sympathize with the characters and yet escape from bland normal everyday life to a different world of comical fantasy.

Moreover, Blessed Love is an ambiguous love story of two characters that are dissimilar in status. It explores the issue of relationship amongst two characters that have nothing in common except for being the same gender. One of them is a jaded celebrity, Bochen, that is out hunting for something new in his life and his target turn out to be a under paid waiter at a Chinese restaurant, Shou-Dai. Although Bochen might not know it, his presence in Shou-Dai’s life changes turns his world upside down and makes him miserable. Ultimately the story is a “tragic comedy”- a tragic story of two people that can’t possibly love each other told in a light hearted, comical way.

Story Outline & Chapter Synopsis :

The main character, Shou-Dai is introduced and it shows he is a lower-to middle class young adult that is struggling in life but doesn’t have enough wisdom to anticipate the future or plan ahead. Relationship is set amongst the characters: Shou-Dai’s relationship to his sister, and Shou-Li’s relationship to Bochen, the celebrity. Shou-Dai pampers his little sister and she is a fan of Bochen.

Ch1: Meeting at Restaurant
Relationship is established amongst two main characters, the waiter Shou-Dai and the celebrity, Bochen. Shou-Dai is late for work at the restaurant and Bochen and his fiancée is at his table. Shou-Dai is smitten by Bochen’s beautiful fiancée and he makes many mistakes while serving them. Bochen discovered by other people at the restaurant doesn’t want to make a scene and quickly leaves. They exchanged sunglasses and name tag by accident.

Chapter 2: Concert
(Some time after)
Shou-Li’s friend cancels on her and she drags her brother to the Bochen concert. Shou-Dai is disinterested in pop music and he realizes his awkward situation that he is the only male viewer amongst a sea of female fans. The reader finds out that Bochen is an image based pop star because his concert is basically promoting designer clothing and he lip sinks. Shou-Dai is surprised and confused by Bochen’s last song where Bochen uses the incident in the first chapter with Shou-Dai in his lyrics. Shou-Li drags Shou-Dai to catch a glimpse of Bochen leaving and they have brief awkward eye-contact. After the concert Shou-Dai decides to think nothing of it and he goes to sleep.

Chapter 3: At Restaurant Again
(The next day)
Shou-Dai is surprised to find Bochen at his table for at the restaurant the day after the concert. Bochen has unclear motifs, he wants his designer sunglasses back and he gives back Shou-Dai’s name tag and at the same time Bochen insults Shou-Dai about him being a waiter. The paparazzi takes a picture of Shou-Dai and Bochen and the next day in the news, that same picture can be found but Shou-Dai’s picture is altered into an attractive woman and Shou-Dai is lectured by his manager that if Bochen comes again than Shou-Dai is not worthy of going up to him. Shou-Dai didn’t fathom that Bochen will ever step into his life again until the manager gets a phone call that Bochen is coming publicly this time. The excited manager rounds up waiters and waitresses excluding Shou-Dai and assigns them to serve Bochen in the VIP room.

Chapter 4: The Big Night
(That night)
Bochen, his friend Nomi, and his fiancée makes a grand entrance to the restaurant with camera and lights flashing everywhere. When Bochen is asked why he chose this restaurant he couldn’t really think of anything to say. Bochen is drinking a lot of alcohol and getting tipsy while Shou-Dai is busy serving everyone in the restaurant. Shou-Dai with his hands full literally collides into Bochen when he was going to the bathroom and during the collision the paparazzi take down pictures of their fall. It was really ambiguous to whether Bochen deliberately kissed Shou-Dai in the fall or even if they kissed or not but Shou-Dai gets mad at Bochen after the fall and throws a tea-pot at his face than tries to beat him up. Time passes and Bochen watches the embarrassing incident on TV and Shou-Dai is thrown in jail.

Chapter 5: Shou-Dai’s Crisis
In jail Shou-Dai is mocked by cell-mates and eventually Shou-Li bails him out because she wants him to pay her tuition. Shou-Dai finds out he is fired from the Chinese restaurant and desperate for a job he goes to many interviews. The interviewers were more interested in his infamous status and the account with Bochen instead of giving him a job. Finally the owner of a bar gives Shou-Dai a job as a bar tender and tricks him into getting drunk and asks him questions about Bochen. Shou-Dai slips and the next day Bochen’s sexuality is questioned in major entertainment magazines. Bochen denies everything and Shou-Dai is facing a world of trouble with his new found fame.

Chapter 6: 3rd Meeting
For Shou-Dai’s birthday the waiters and servers at his ex-job decided to throw him a birthday party which is an excuse to get him wasted and dress him up as a girl and they go to the hotel where Bochen is staying to try to entice the celebrity. After Bochen ignores them Shou-Dai’s so-called friends leaves him passed out outside the hotel. Bochen goes to Shou-Dai not knowing that it’s him and thinking that Shou-Dai is a fan he quickly carries Shou-Dai up to his room because it wouldn’t help his image if he got caught not helping out his fans. Shou-Dai mutters that he hates Bochen and Bochen finds out that the fan is Shou-Dai. Bochen dumps Shou-Dai’s head in cold water to sober him up and Shou-Dai who sobered up without memory that he was brought to the hotel where Bochen was staying he still thinks that his friends are trying to get him drunk thus he snaps and declares how much he hates Bochen and doesn’t want anything to do with him without knowing that Bochen is right behind him. Bochen is angered by his comment and decides to dump his head into the cold water again until Shou-Dai passes out.

Chapter 7: Shou-Dai and Nomi
(The Next Morning)
Shou-Dai wakes up in the hotel and is surprised by his luxurious surroundings. Bochen comes to check up on Shou-Dai and Shou-Dai who is still bitter towards him was skeptical of Bochen and accused him of brining him here. Bochen rudely reminds Shou-Dai how he got here and later on asks him out to brunch. At brunch Shou-Dai and Nomi, an aspiring actress meets for the first time. Sparks fly between them and they start dating after that brunch and Shou-Dai quickly finds out that Nomi is more trouble than bliss.

Chapter 8: Crash!
(Time Passes By)
Time passes, Bochen takes a break, Shou-Dai and Bochen did not meet for a while and magazines are questioning Bochen’s where about. One day Bochen follows Shou-Dai when he was delivery mail at a residential are, Shou-Dai gets into a car accident (car hits him) indirectly related to Bochen. Shou-Dai is sent to the hospital and Bochen goes to visit him. Seeing Shou-Dai laying unconscious Bochen examines Shou-Dai and is strangely attracted to him and he bends down to almost kiss him until he stops himself, pull away really fast than drives off. Bochen in a state of confusion looks for his fiancée to release his sexual frustration and Christine questions why their sex life was going down the drain.

Chapter 9: Temptation
(When Shou-Dai is better)
Bochen comes to see Shou-Dai at the hospital and for the first time has a heart to heart talk with him and finds out Shou-Dai is really desperate for money. Bochen offers Shou-Dai a ride back from the hospital and during the ride they stop and Bochen offers Shou-Dai money to go on vacation with him (to a ski resort). Shou-Dai is conflicted but tempted and for the first time he sat and seriously thought about something and finally he accepts the offer.

Chapter 10: Ski Resort
(A week later)
At the ski resort which is located in a remote place in the mountains Shou-Dai and Bochen become friends and would tire themselves out with many activities during the day. The first night at the resort the two of them decide to relax and watch TV. When they turned on the TV it was porn and they couldn’t find the remote thus awkward tension befell among them. Shou-Dai tells Bochen that he is grateful for all he has done and offers his part of the bargain.

Chapter 11: The Next Day
(The next day)
Shou-Dai wakes up and was confused on whether anything happened. Bochen is nowhere to be found and Shou-Dai leaves the resort with the idea that the incident was strictly business. Bochen is also confused and he chose to run away from the situation.

Chapter 12: Back to Normal
(Time passes by)
Bochen goes back to work and life goes on as if nothing has changed. Shou-Dai has matured since the incident and tries to lead a normal life. Nomi comes to distract Shou-Dai at work and Shou-Dai decides to end the relationship with Nomi. Nomi raises hell and she complains to Bochen which reminded Bochen of Shou-Dai. Bochen decides to ask out Shou-Dai. Shou-Dai out look towards Bochen was strictly business and pretended to be cold and Bochen is enraged by his attitude because business was not his intention. Bochen beats Shou-Dai and after their little conflict they resolved their awkwardness and finally faced each other.

Chapter 13: Let’s Keep it a Secret
Bochen and Shou-Dai try a secret relationship. They make each other miserable because Shou-Dai has no faith in the relationship and becomes numb to everything and Bochen can not be faithful. Bochen would hurt Shou-Dai to try to and get a reaction out of Shou-Dai.

Chapter 14: Resolution
They both realize that they can not go on as they were. Last attempt to save the relationship Bochen retires from the entertainment industry and announces that he is gay. Shou-Dai and Bochen go out publicly but are still no happy.

Chapter 15: Talk Show
Shortly after they became public they were invited to a talk show. On the talk show Bochen and Shou-Dai fought and poured their hearts out and all their bitterness out to the public. They came to the conclusion that they could not make each other happy.

The End
